Thursday, September 10, 2009

Please Sir, may I have some more?

I have decided that I need to become a better cook.  I have taken the steps to a healthier life style by starting my running.  So far, that is going pretty well.  I'm running my first race, a 5K, this Saturday.  However, when it comes to food, I just don't really pay attention.  More often than not I eat out.  And lets face it, most restaurants I visit aren't exactly "healthy".  I mean, I live in the south were fried chicken and BBQ rule.  And now that I am in a new place with a fairly decent kitchen and some pretty nice appliances, I really have no excuse.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to diet. I just want to be able to make real food, good food, at home by myself.  So I've been doing some research.  I have a couple cook books that I am buying.  One I know I will love because my friend Maddie has it and when we were in Seattle she made fun recipes out of it all time.  The other just looks fun and easy.  I'm all about easy.
I also found this really fun website.  Not only is the author hilarious, seriously cracks me up, but the recipes look delicious and for the cooking novices like me, she posts pics of every step!!  Now that is awesome!
Can't wait to get started.

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