Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Goodbye Samantha

My dear friend Samantha is getting married Friday. She was the first person I knew in Memphis, my first friend in a foreign city. And she is leaving me to get married. I am so, so sad to see her go, but terribly happy for her finding love and the new adventure she will be starting.
I am driving to Florida tomorrow in order to go to the wedding on Friday evening. She's been in Florida for a while now getting things ready. She transfered to UF's graduate program and started there earlier this month. With that and finalizing all the wedding stuff, I haven't had much of a chance to talk with her. So I am very excited to see her tomorrow!
Things I love about Samantha:
~She could kick Martha Stuarts bum in any homemaking competition!
~She loves to dance even though she knows she looks ridiculous.
~She puts up with my sarcasm and loves me in spite of my (occasional) bad moods.
~She is extremely giving.
~She's funny without trying to be.
~She doesn't judge people but accepts them for who they are, even if it goes against what she believes.
~She likes the color orange enough to buy an orange couch and love seat. (Although I give her credit, it is pretty cute. And very comfortable.)
~She is comfortable enough to show how terribly unflexible she is by doing pilates in her living room with someone she barely knows. (That was a funny day!)
~She has her own state of happiness which has been coined "Samantic" by another close friend.
~And simply that she is a wonderful friend.

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